Furniture and Mounts - Categories -
Furniture and Mounts
NB-AVCB-W Anti-Vibration Wall Mount / Camera Shelf (White)
List Price: $499.95
NB-AVK Air Ventilation kit
List Price: $208.95
NB-BPUS Back Plate with Unistrut Mounting Bracket (Black)
List Price: $239.95
NB-BPUS-W Unistrut Back Plate, (White)
List Price: $239.95
NB-CIS Black Finish Mount with Gasket for Cisco Camera
List Price: $499.95
NB-CIS-W White Finish Mount with Gasket for Cisco Camera
List Price: $499.95
NB-CTSELB Ceiling Tile Supports for Extra Large Plenum
List Price: $175.95
NB-CTSSPB Ceiling Tile Supports for Standard Plenum
List Price: $197.95
NB-DMSS Dual Mounting Pole/Wall Platform Shelf (Black)
List Price: $119.95
NB-DMSS-W Dual Mounting Pole/Wall Shelf (White)
List Price: $119.95
NB-DMSSUS Dual Mounting Unistrut/Wall Shelf (Black)
List Price: $129.95
NB-HDAVCP Heavy Duty Anti-Vibration Ceiling Plate to Pole (Black)
List Price: $483.95
NB-HDAVCP-W Heavy Duty Anti-Vibration Ceiling Pole Mounting Plate, White Finish
List Price: $483.95
NB-HDAVPM Heavy Duty Anti-Vibration Pole Mount Plate, Black Finish
List Price: $483.95
NB-HDAVPM-W Heavy Duty Anti-Vibration Pole Mounting Plate, White
List Price: $483.95
NB-HDSA Heavy Duty Anti-Vibration (Seismic) Adaptor
List Price: $659.95
NB-JEE-DPM Junior Plenum Equipment Enclosure with Double Pole Mount Fitting
List Price: $333.95
NB-JEE-USPM Junior Plenum Equipment Enclosure, Unistrut Version
List Price: $333.95
NB-PCP Anti-Vibration Ceiling Plate (Black)
List Price: $239.95
NB-PCP-W Anti-Vibration Ceiling Plate (White)
List Price: $239.95
NB-PEBPM Standard Plenum Equipment Box (Pole Mount Version)
List Price: $373.95
NB-PEBUS Plenum Equipment Box, Unistrut Version
List Price: $373.95
NB-PLHK-15 15’ Hanging Kit for Hanging Plenum Equipment Enclosure
List Price: $109.95
NB-PLWB Standard Plenum Equipment Box (Surface / Hanging Version)
List Price: $373.95
NB-PMA Black Finish Pole Mount Back Plate
List Price: $239.95
NB-PMA-W Pole Mount Back Plate (White)
List Price: $239.95
NB-TCP Tripod Platform
List Price: $259.95
NB-UAIP Unistrut Pole Mount with Anti-Vibration Gasket - Black
List Price: $239.95
NB-UIM-15 Anti-Vibration Isolating Adaptor (Black)
List Price: $461.95